Schubarth, S.K., Mullen, M.J., Seal, C.A., Woodall, R.S., “Reservoir Description Techniques Improves Completion Economics in Piceance Basin Mesa Verde Project”, SPE 39918 presented at the Rocky Mountain Regional/Low Permeability Reservoirs Symposium, Denver, CO, 5-8 April, 1998.
Eberhard, M.J., SPE, Mullen, M.J., SPE, Seal, C.A., SPE, B.P. Ault: “Integrated Field Study for Production Optimization: Jonah Field, Sublette County, Wyoming”, paper SPE 59790 presented at the 2000 SPE/CERI Gas Technology Symposium held in Calgary, Alberta Canada, 3-5 April, 2000.
Eberhard, M., Mullen, M. “The Effect That Stimulation Methodologies Has On Production in the Jonah Field”, SPE 71048 presented at the Rocky Mountain Petroleum Technology Conference, Keystone, CO, 21-23 May, 2001.
Eberhard, M., Mike Mullen, M., Halliburton Energy Services Inc, “The Effect of Completion Methodologies on Production in the Jonah Field”, SPE 84959-PA, Volume 18, Number 3, Pages 145-150, August 2003.
Mullen, M., Dickerman, R., Dobson, M, “Integrated Process Improves Production of the Almond Formation in the Wamsutter Field, Wyoming: A Low-Permeability Case Study of Five Years of Continuous Improvement in Well Performance” , SPE 90792 presented at the SPE ACTE, 26-29 September, 2004, Houston, Texas.
Mullen, M., Roundtree, R., “A Composite Determination of Mechanical Rock Properties for Stimulation Design (What to Do When You Don’t Have A Sonic Log”, SPE 108139 presented at the Rocky Mountain Oil and Gas Technology Symposium, 16-18 April, 2007, Denver, Colorado.
Miller, B., Whiting Petroleum, Paneitz J., Whiting Petroleum, Mullen, M., Halliburton, Meijs, R., Halliburton, Tunstall, K., Halliburton, Garcia, M., Halliburton, “The Successful Application of a Compartmental Completion Technique Used to Isolate Multiple Hydraulic-Fracture Treatments in Horizontal Bakken Shale Wells in North Dakota”, SPE 116469 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 21-24 September 2008, Denver, Colorado.
Garcia, M., SPE, Mullen, M.J., SPE, James, A., SPE, Halliburton, “Calibrated Log Model and Reservoir Understanding Allows Accurate Prediction of Production and Improved Hydraulic-Fracturing Designs”, SPE123354, SPE Rocky Mountain Petroleum Technology Conference, 14-16 April 2009, Denver, Colorado.
Mullen, M., Halliburton, Denver, Colorado; Enderlin, M., Texas Christian University and Gearhart Industries, Ft. Worth, Texas, “Is That Frac Job Really Breaking New Rock Or Just Pumping Down a Pre-Existing Plane of Weakness?-The Integration of Geomechanics And Hydraulic-Fracture Diagnostics”, American Rock Mechanics Association Document ID 10-285, Presented at the 4th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium and 5th U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, 27-30 June, 2010, Salt Lake City, Utah.