The approach to formation evaluation used by Stimulation Petrophysics Consulting is a structured methodology incorporating all the wireline log data (open hole and cased hole), mud logging, drilling and core evaluation that is provided or available into a single interpretation. For display purposes, this petrophysical model is displayed in three sections: (1) the measured log data that goes into the model, (2) Mineralogy and volumetric analysis with resource in place calculations and (3) Mechanical rock properties. The main objective of carbonate reservoir formation evaluation is to determine the reservoir storage capacity, flow capacity, mineralogy and mechanical rock properties while honoring physical data measurements. Carbonate reservoirs often exhibit variable porosity and saturation exponents making it difficult to evaluate and to quantify the hydrocarbons in place using wireline logs. Key well studies that incorporate conventional core analysis and wireline log analysis assist in determining these factors for application to offsetting wells without core available. The results of this analysis are instrumental in pay zone identification and quantification, stimulation treatment design and reservoir modeling.
The goal of carbonate reservoir evaluation is to use the core analysis data to help develop models to determine the porosity types, vuggy or grainstone, variable saturation and porosity exponents, m and n using all the tools available, in order to obtain meaningful estimates of hydrocarbons in place. This calibrated model can then be used for all the wells in a field for enhanced recovery studies, pay identification in step out wells or “problem” well evaluations.
Benefits of the Carbonate Reservoir Formation Evaluation Log