
Category Publications

Schubarth, S., Mullen, M., Kessler, C., Halliburton Energy Services, “SUCCESSFUL PREDICTION OF WELL PRODUCTIVITY FROM OPENHOLE LOGS IMPROVES PROFITABILITY IN SEVERAL ROCKY MOUNTAIN FORMATIONS: CASE HISTORIES”, Society of Petrophysicists and Well-Log Analysts, Document ID 1998-AA, SPWLA 39, Annual Logging Symposium, 1998. Mullen, M. , Roundtree, R., Halliburton; Barree, B., Barree and Assocs, “A Composite Determination of Mechanical Rock Properties for Stimulation Design (What to Do When You Don’t Have a Sonic Log)”, SPE 108139, Presented at the Rocky Mountain Oil & Gas Technology Symposium, 16-18 April 2007, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. Miller, B., SPE, Paneitz, J., SPE, Whiting Petroleum, Mullen, M., SPE, Meis, R., SPE, Tunstall, M.,SPE, Garcia, M., SPE, Halliburton, “The Successful Application of a Compartmental Completion Technique Used To Isolate Multiple Hydraulic-Fracture Treatments in Horizontal Bakken Shale Wells in North Dakota” SPE 116469, Presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 21-24 September 2008, Denver, Colorado, USA. Rickman, R., Mullen, M., Petre, E., Grieser, B., Kundert, D., SPE, Halliburton, “A Practical Use of Shale Petrophysics for Stimulation Design Optimization: “All Shale Plays Are Not Clones of the Barnett Shale”, SPE 115258, Presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 21-24 September 2008, Denver, Colorado, USA. Kundert, D, Mullen, M., Halliburton, “Proper Evaluation of Shale Gas Reservoirs Leads to a More Effective Hydraulic-Fracture Stimulation”, SPE 123586, SPE Rocky Mountain Petroleum Technology Conference, 14-16 April 2009, Denver, Colorado. Mullen, M., Pitcher, J., Hinz, D., Halliburton; Everts, M., Dunbar, D., RTA; Carlstrom, G., Brenize, G., Anshutz, “Does the Presence of Natural Fractures Have an Impact on Production? A Case Study from the Middle Bakken Dolomite, North Dakota”, SPE 135319, Presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 19-22 September 2010, Florence, Italy. Ramurthy, M., Halliburton, Baree, R.D., Baree & Associates, Kundert, D.P. Halliburton, Petre, E., Hunt Oil Company, Mullen, M., Realm Energy, “Surface-Area vs. Conductivity-Type Fracture Treatments in Shale Reservoirs” SPE 140169, pp. 357-367, Volume 26, Number 4, SPE Production and Operations, November 2011; Presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, 24-26 January 2011, The Woodlands, Texas, USA. Pitcher, J., Buller, D., Mullen, M., “Shale Exploration Methodology and Workflow”, SPE 153681 Prepared for a presentation at the SPE Middle East Unconventional Gas Conference and Exhibition held in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 23-25 January 2012. Pitcher, J., Kwong, S., Yarus, J., Halliburton; Mullen, M., Stimulation Petrophysics Consulting, “Exploring Shale Basins using Existing Wells”, SPE 152579, Prepared for a presentation at the SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition held in Vienna, Austria, 20-22, March 2012. Mullen, M., Stimulation Petrophysics Consulting LLC., Enderlin, M., Texas Christian University, “Fracability Index – More Than Rock Properties”, SPE 159755, Presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 8-10 October 2012, San Antonio, Texas, USA. Shelley, R., StrataGen Engineering, Minner, W. StrataGen Engineering, Mullen, M., StimulationPetrophysics Consulting, LLC, "A North American Review of Commercial Shale Plays; Have we Learned Anything Besides Serendipity?", SPE 167063, Presented at the SPE Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition-Asia Pacific, 11-13 November 2013, Brisbane, Australia. Lehman, L., StrataGen, Andress, G., StragaGen, Minner, W., StrataGen, Mullen, M., Stimulation Petrophysics Consulting, LLC, "Source Rock Stimulation: Does This Require More Art or Science?", SPE 171432, Presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Oil &Gas Conference and Exhibition, 14-16 October 2014 , Adelaide, Australia.

Category Publications

Mullen, M.J., Craig, D.P. “The Development of a Log-Derived Permeability Calculation using the Diagnostic Injection Pump-In Permeability” SPE 60303 Presented at the Rocky Mountain Regional/Low Permeability Reservoirs Symposium, Denver, Colorado, 12-15 March, 2000. Mullen, M., Povich, B., Camilla, S., Hawks, R., “The Application of Neural Networks to Improve the Usability of Pulsed Neutron Logs for Evaluating Infill Well Locations in the Piceance Basin of Western Colorado and the San Juan Basin of Northwest New Mexico”, SPE 71041 presented at the Rocky Mountain Petroleum Technology Conference, Keystone, Colorado, 21-23 May, 2001. Shade, M., Mullen, M., Kessler, C., Varsamis, G., Blanch, J., “Improved Reservoir Understanding using Crossed Dipole Sonic Anisotropy Analysis”, Presented at the AAPG Annual Meeting, Houston Texas, 10-13 March, 2002. Lipinski, P., Gegg, J., Mullen, M., “The Practical Use and Application of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Log in the Piceance Basin”, pp. 218-232, Piceance Basin 2003 Guidebook , Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, Piceance Basin Symposium, Glenwood Springs, Colorado October 2003. Mullen, M., Bray, J., Bonnie, R., Halliburton, “Fluid Typing With T1 NMR: Incorporating T1 and T2 Measurements for Improved Interpretation in Tight Gas Sands and Unconventional Reservoirs”, Society of Petrophysicists and Well-Log Analysts, Document ID 2005-III, SPWLA 46, Annual Logging Symposium, 2005.

Category Publications

Schubarth, S.K., Mullen, M.J., Seal, C.A., Woodall, R.S., “Reservoir Description Techniques Improves Completion Economics in Piceance Basin Mesa Verde Project”, SPE 39918 presented at the Rocky Mountain Regional/Low Permeability Reservoirs Symposium, Denver, CO, 5-8 April, 1998. Eberhard, M.J., SPE, Mullen, M.J., SPE, Seal, C.A., SPE, B.P. Ault: “Integrated Field Study for Production Optimization: Jonah Field, Sublette County, Wyoming”, paper SPE 59790 presented at the 2000 SPE/CERI Gas Technology Symposium held in Calgary, Alberta Canada, 3-5 April, 2000. Eberhard, M., Mullen, M. “The Effect That Stimulation Methodologies Has On Production in the Jonah Field”, SPE 71048 presented at the Rocky Mountain Petroleum Technology Conference, Keystone, CO, 21-23 May, 2001. Eberhard, M., Mike Mullen, M., Halliburton Energy Services Inc, “The Effect of Completion Methodologies on Production in the Jonah Field”, SPE 84959-PA, Volume 18, Number 3, Pages 145-150, August 2003. Mullen, M., Dickerman, R., Dobson, M, “Integrated Process Improves Production of the Almond Formation in the Wamsutter Field, Wyoming: A Low-Permeability Case Study of Five Years of Continuous Improvement in Well Performance" , SPE 90792 presented at the SPE ACTE, 26-29 September, 2004, Houston, Texas. Mullen, M., Roundtree, R., “A Composite Determination of Mechanical Rock Properties for Stimulation Design (What to Do When You Don’t Have A Sonic Log”, SPE 108139 presented at the Rocky Mountain Oil and Gas Technology Symposium, 16-18 April, 2007, Denver, Colorado. Miller, B., Whiting Petroleum, Paneitz J., Whiting Petroleum, Mullen, M., Halliburton, Meijs, R., Halliburton, Tunstall, K., Halliburton, Garcia, M., Halliburton, "The Successful Application of a Compartmental Completion Technique Used to Isolate Multiple Hydraulic-Fracture Treatments in Horizontal Bakken Shale Wells in North Dakota", SPE 116469 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 21-24 September 2008, Denver, Colorado. Garcia, M., SPE, Mullen, M.J., SPE, James, A., SPE, Halliburton, “Calibrated Log Model and Reservoir Understanding Allows Accurate Prediction of Production and Improved Hydraulic-Fracturing Designs”, SPE123354, SPE Rocky Mountain Petroleum Technology Conference, 14-16 April 2009, Denver, Colorado. Mullen, M., Halliburton, Denver, Colorado; Enderlin, M., Texas Christian University and Gearhart Industries, Ft. Worth, Texas, “Is That Frac Job Really Breaking New Rock Or Just Pumping Down a Pre-Existing Plane of Weakness?-The Integration of Geomechanics And Hydraulic-Fracture Diagnostics”, American Rock Mechanics Association Document ID 10-285, Presented at the 4th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium and 5th U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, 27-30 June, 2010, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Category Publications

Harris, P., Holsclaw, S., Mullen, M. J., Sagan, M. “The Use of Production Logs to Evaluate Completion and Stimulation Effectiveness”, SPE 29178. This paper was prepared for presentation at the 1994 Eastern Regional Conference & Exhibition held in Charleston, WV, U.S.A., 8-10 November, 1994. Mullen, M.J., Frisch, G. Johnson, J, “Determining the Effectiveness of Multi-Zone Completions and Stimulations in Low Permeability Formations with Production Logs”, SPE 29589 Presented at the Rocky Mountain Regional/Low Permeability Reservoirs Symposium, Denver, CO, 19-22 March, 1995.

Category Publications

Mullen, M.J., “Log Evaluation in Wells Drilled for Coalbed Methane” RMAG Coalbed Methane San Juan Basin Symposium 1988. Mullen, M.J., “Coalbed Methane Resource Evaluation from Wireline Logs in the Northeastern San Juan Basin: A Case Study”, SPE 18946 presented at the Rocky Mountain Regional/Low Permeability Reservoirs Symposium held in Denver, CO, 6-8 March, 1989. Mullen, M.J., “Cleat Detection in Coalbeds using the Microlog”, RMAG Coalbed Methane symposium held in Glenwood Springs, CO, May, 1991. Mullen, M.J., “Cased Hole Coal Analysis in Producing Gas Wells in the San Juan Basin” Presented at the Coalbed Methane Symposium, University of Alabama/Tuscaloosa 13-16 May, 1991. Blauch, M.E., SPE, Weida, D., SPE, Mullen, M. SPE, McDaniel, B.W., SPE, Halliburton, “ Matching Technical Solutions to the Lifecycle Phase is the Key to Developing a CBM Prospect”, SPE 75684, SPE Gas Technology Symposium held in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 30 April– 2 May, 2002. Rogers, R., Ramurthy, M., Rodvelt, G. and Mullen, M., (Ed.) (2007) "Coalbed Methane: Principles and Practices." Starkville, MS: Oktibbeha Publishing Co., LLC.